Commented on No Vacancy:
   "I can certainly relate. On one hand technology has given me a job after nearly being now functionally disabled by a work injury but on the other hand I feel the fast paced , ever second accounted for life has dulled my senses and muted my creativity at times. I often wonder what all we’ve traded for this so called better way of life... You captured this well."
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5 years ago

Commented on Vista of a Sisyphean Mind:
   "Interesting look at how we each have chains of their own unique brand of "metal". A reminder that as soon as we are born we are encumbered with chains."
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5 years ago

Commented on Vista of a Sisyphean Mind:
   "a very realistic depiction of how we feel when love is lost. Ah, but don't these kinds of things make for better writing..."
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5 years ago

Commented on Travel on a Different Plane:
   "I really enjoyed this slice of travel life with your Hachiko featured. I think you'd love the Book Award book by Sigrid Nunez, The Friend. Alot of great things in it about people and their dog. :)"
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5 years ago

Commented on Ghost in the Reflection:
   "very powerful and touching on many struggles of our modern times. For some reason, as I read, it struck me you'd enjoy the movie Mandy with Nic Cage. It's reminiscent of your style."
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6 years ago

Commented on Into the Shadows:
   ""Darkened detour of winding roads" beautiful phrase to describe the past"
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6 years ago

Commented on The Domesticated Poet:
   "I had a friend like this too. Took me back to our times of talking about crushes and thought about how neither of us would like either of those boys now. ;)"
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6 years ago

Commented on Pieces of Poetry and Me:
   "Very raw and forthright. More people feel this way than you know. Keep sharing"
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6 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "I liked this bit of raw honesty. I think many feel this way and won't admit it. I've left my turquoise icicle lights up in my living room deciding I like them better that way. I like to think I'm deciding what I like to keep about the holidays in my everyday life and what parts of the holidays have no part of any day. The older I get, and I don't have kids mind you, but I try to make holidays about experiences with others and not about getting, stressful events and should do's (you should wrap presents, you should eat this or that) This year, we took friends to the movies with us and then all went and ate Chinese. No stress there. I highly recommend it:)"
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6 years ago

Commented on windows:
   "very apropos of office settings and most work settings. Nice slice of life that went from small picture to big picture with ease."
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6 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "A comical slice of life. Hope I'm pushing a cart all the way home at Dad's age:)"
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6 years ago